Top Stores and shoppings in Mois Bridge Kenya has listed approx 4 Stores and shoppings in Moi's Bridge. Some of the Top rated Stores and shoppings in Moi's Bridge are- Mzazondo Stores, Sammys Stores, Jasho Shop & Pakawa Shop.

Place Name
Stores and shopping
Stores and shopping
Eldoret-Kitale Rd, Moi's Bridge, Kenya
Stores and shopping
Eldoret-Kitale Rd, Moi's Bridge, Kenya
Stores and shopping
At Moi's Bridge, Eldoret-Kitale Rd, Moi's Bridge, Kenya
Stores and shopping
Pakawa Building, Opposite K. C. B, At Moi's Bridge, Eldoret-Kitale Rd, Moi's Bridge, Kenya

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