has listed approx 491 Middle schools in Kenya. Some of the Top rated Middle schools in Kenya are- Maseno school, Dagoretti high school, Nakuru boys high school, Agoro sare high school, Kanjuri high school, Nyang'ori boys high school, Kerugoya boys high school, Bura girls high school, st. brigids girls high school - kiminini & Bura girls high school.

Place Name
Middle school
Middle school
Kisumu - Busia Road,Central Kisumu Kisumu West, Kenya
Middle school
Waithaka Dagoretti South, Kenya
Middle school
nakuru bahati road,Biashara Nakuru Town East, Kenya
Middle school
West Kamagak, Rongo - Kisii Rd, Oyugis, Kenya
Middle school
Karatina Town, Kenya
Middle school
Kisumu - Vihiga Rd,Shamakhokho Hamisi, Kenya
Middle school
Kerugoya-Kutus Rd,Kerugoya Kirinyaga, Kenya
Middle school
Voi, Taveta Rd, Bura, Kenya
Middle school
Kitale, Kakamega Rd, Kiminini, Kenya
Middle school
Voi, Taveta Rd, Bura, Kenya

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